Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Jeuce Is Worth The Squeeze

I apologize for not posting recently. I went out of town on business, and I just got back yesterday. However, now my inbox is full to bursting, and I'm going to share lots with you guys.

Jeuce sent over their latest batch of reworks, and man are they sweet. We'll start off with one of Mr. Fogg. Nu Disco stabs join epic buildups that drops into melodic Dubstep with this one, I've got to say I'm a big fan.

Mr. Fogg - Stung (Jeuce Remix) <3 YSI

Staying in the same realm of Nu Disco dropping into Dubstep, they've released a bootleg rework of Daft Punk's 'Make Love.' Bassline driven like any good Dub bleep, this one uses chops of the original on top of fantastic drum fills to keep your head nodding.

Daft Punk - Make Love (Jeuce Rework) YSI

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