First up we have a (justly named) bleep from Nobody Beats The Drum that combines elements of Electro, Techno, Fidget, and Hip/hop to make one complex, amorphous little bleep that deserves play time in every Electro club out there. The EP also features a remix from Riptide.
Nobody Beats The Drum - Dirty Monkey (Original Mix) [Diverse]
Nobody Beats The Drum - Dirty Monkey (Riptide Remix)
Next up there's a bunch of stuff from Boemklatsch, the masterminds behind most of the rest of the bleeps I'll post here. Very Electro. Very hardcore.
Boemklatsch - Noisy (Original Mix)
Boemklatsch - Noisy (Baskerville Remix) [HOT!]
Boemklatsch - Noisy (D.Fine Remix)
Boemklatsch - Reflex (Jaimie Fanatic's Legacy Kids Club Mix) [CRAZY SHIT! If GTRONIC met Haezer, this would be their child]
Stars & Sons - Good For Me (Boemklatsch Remix)
C-Mon & Kypski - Burning Hot (Boemklatsch Remix)
Also check out this video of Boemklatsch tearing shit up @ 5 Days Off in Amsterdam. The bleep featured in this video is one of the better bleeps I've heard in a while, and will be released on their forth coming album, Spontaneous Combustion, which will be in stores April 16th.
It is because of artists like these, the ones who are constantly pushing the boundaries of what sounds good, and what is possible, that Electronic music is what it is today. To them I say, "Salute!"
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